Buy Kinder Morgan

Our Purchase Date: June 19th, 2017

Our Purchase Price:  $19.11

Current Price:[stock_ticker symbols="KMI" show="name" static="1" nolink="" speed="10" class=""]

Why We Like Kinder Morgan

Kinder Morgan (NYSE: KMI) is the ultimate tollroad – wholly or jointly owning and operating over 62,000 miles of natural gas pipeline, reaching from all major natural gas drilling areas to every major demand center in the country. If your home uses natural gas, it likely came through Kinder Morgan’s pipelines. They’re also the largest independent transporter of petroleum products and the carbon dioxide used in oil recovery, the largest independent terminal operator in the United States, and the No. 2 independent oil producer in Texas.

Natural gas is relatively clean and abundant – they have already wiped out the coal business. As demand for natural gas rises, Kinder Morgan will cash in.

What are the odds that somebody else can encroach on Kinder Morgan? As anybody has seen from the Keystone pipeline events, you can see that any competitor will have to overcome a ton of financial, regulatory, and political obstacles.


This tollroad is in a fantastic position – and as energy has fallen in price, investors can buy this at an amazing discount.